Impeccable secretarial assistance: prompt correspondence, content elaboration (folders, program, catalogue, badges), integrated human resource management.


A picture is worth a thousand words, but an idea is worth a thousand pictures. That is why we offer full services, from design creation and the editing of conference catalogues, to media promotion or press-conferences organisation.


We are well known in the academic environment. Through our collaborations we have created stable partnerships with healthcare professionals, so each and every one of our events is unique.


We efficiently administer our partners’ budgets. We make decisions only after consulting with the beneficiary of the project. We manage the legal-accounting documents of the event (invoices, contracts).


We have developed our own tourism company. Medtravel facilitates booking services for professionals in the medical field, offering its partners the opportunity to transfer their journey-related worries to specialists.


We believe that the quality and the impact of an event can be measured. We know how to make a proper assessment, an objective report. This comprises three sections: a financial one (the way in which the budget was administered), …


Find out MedEvents standards and our partners’ standards. Some of our projects that recommend us.

years of activity
  • Professionalism, dynamism and efficiency – these are only some of the characteristics of MedEvents. MedEvents encompasses a group of enthusiastic young people who are very good organizers, with a wonderful ability to oversee all aspects related to putting together a scientific meeting, without being flashy or annoying. On the contrary, the MedEvents team displays promptitude and deliver outstanding and immediate results thus ensuring the smooth running of the event MedEvents offers personalized solutions, being the backbone of any scientific themed event. I would also highlight their professional use of current communication tools which contribute to increasing the attractiveness and visibility of any event. With MedEvents you get the certainty that what has been agreed on in advance will definitely be put into practice – MedEvents delivers on their word, every time!

    Prof. Dr. Radu Badea

    President SRUMB

  • From 26 to 29 September 2012, it took place The 10th National Conference with international participation of Order of General Medical Assistants, Midwives and Nurses from Romania, at Grand Hotel Italia, Cluj-Napoca. This event was organized by Cluj branch in collaboration with MedEvents team.
    MedEvents company took care of all administrative and organizational aspects connected to this scientific event.
    The representatives of the company showed real professionalism in organizing all the activities, taking care of organizing the event from the slightest to the greatest detail. I recommend MedEvents with all confidence, if you want to organize scientific events.

    Emil Buiga

    President of Order of General Medical Assistants, Midwives and Nurses from Romania

  • In a world where our overloaded program it is a reality which makes the daily routine a roller hard to escape, organizing a scientific and educational medical event of great impact may seem impossible. In real life it is possible and even easy having on your side real prefessionals from MedEvents team. They are surprisingly efficient and they know how to transform an ideea into a sustainable project and then into a successful event. I invite you to discover the joy of having by your side a team of friends to organize your event. It does not matter if you have experience or not, you will be surprised of the ingenuity and the managerial capacity of each member of the team. For them, the problems have solutions befor they even appear, nothing surprise them and everything is possible to realize. Excellence as a way of life near MedEvents team is a reality and perfection is an easy target to get for them.

    Dan Sebastian Dîrzu

    ARAR President

  • For the last 5 years since we know MedEvents Team, the collaboration between us in organizing two national congresses and a symposium with international participants was very efficient and based on respect and mutual support. The manager of the firm, Dr. Ionuț Gana, a skillful person, always finds the optimal solution in solving an organizational problem or a problem appeared from nowhere. It is to be admired the way he motivates and teaches his collaborators, but also the way he knew how to choose a high level staff. The collaboration was really successful with all the staff from MedEvents, starting with Geanina Gliga, the head of the financial department and also with Tamara Mureșan and Mirabela Șandor, young organizers, full of excitement and enthusiasm, like all the other persons involved in different aspects of development and implementation of the work plan. We appreciate that we never heard something like “It can’t be done” from none of the MedEvents team, only “Let’s see how can we do this/that” at all ours demands, even the more complex ones. Read more…

    Prof. Dr. Alexandru Georgescu, Lecturer Ileana Matei


  • Recalling memories from the Congress of the Romanian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology , with these thoughts I write a few words about my collaboration with MedEvents team. It was a real pleasure in organizing this event. Thanks to their competences we achieved all the things we scheduled, in the way we wanted, so the congress was a real success. I hope to continue this collaboration in the future, in case we will organize other events. I thank them and wish them luck.

    Prof. Dr. Dan Lucaciu

  • Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases in collaboration with „Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Farmacy from Cluj-Napoca, we organized back in 2012 two medical events: The National Conference for Infectious Diseases / The Second Romanian-Dutch Workshop for Infectious Diseases and The Round Table „Interdisciplinary perspectives in infectious diseases” within UMF Days. Both events were organized by MedEvents team and they were of real interest for doctors and rezidents, with 200 doctors at the conference and 80 doctors at the round table, from the infectious diseases specialty but also from other specialities. The employees of this company have shown their skills and also a high level of prefessionalism in organizing scientific events. The way we collaborated and the results of our collaboration have confirmed me their value of organizators, that is why we organized the second event. The scientific events were widely publicized and very well organized. Both, the scientific events and the social ones were very appreciated, being a reference for the national conferences of infectious diseases from 2012. Participants from The Netherlands and Belgium appreciated the scientific organization of the conference, the accomodation and the meals they got. Read more…

    Lecturer Mihaela Lupșe

  • On the 1st of July it was the 20th anniversary of SMURD, Cluj branch. We wished very much that this anniversary to be special and to highlight the people who influenced the destiny of SMURD Cluj and to point out the evolution of SMURD. Not having exeprience to organize such an event, we asked specialized help – MedEvents team. We asked for their help because we knew that they have organized many events, especially in the medical field and because I had good references about them. From the very first meetings I have discovered that the people from MedEvents are great professionals, dedicated and passionate about their work. They prepared carefully, from the slightest detail, every moment of the anniversary, they were open to our proposals and they did all all they had to do to create a delightful celebration. Read more…

    Dr. Cristian Ursu

    SMURD Coordinator


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Travels are explorations, events, or part of the everyday life.
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